Marc Mullenix passed away last night. Last year he was a Type 1 Incident Commander trainee on Kim Martin's Incident Management Team in the Rocky Mountain Geographic Area. Some of his past jobs included Wildland Fire Division Chief for the Boulder Fire Department, Fire Management Officer for Mesa Verde National Park, and Fairmont Fire Protection District, all in Colorado.
Here is a link to a photo of Marc and short article that appeared on the US News and World Report web site.
If anyone has a good photo of Marc that we could place here, let me know... and include permission to use it.
Marc Mullenix--rest in peace.
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1 week ago
Very sad to hear of Marc's passing. I worked under Marc many years ago, He was an outstanding firefighter, teacher, and friend. My thoughts and prayers are with his family and friends.
RIP Marc, you will be dearly missed.
Matt Hise
I met Marc 7-8 years ago through his work with the Colorado Mitigation and Wildfire Conferences, and the Colorado Wildfire Academy. As a result of that work, he helped us become more firewise and he helped our wildland fire fighters become safer and more effective. He was our Type II Incident Commander when the Mason Gulch Fire blew up on us July 10, 2005, with no fire fighters being significantly injured and no structures lost. I couldn't have asked for a better partner. We will miss him dearly.
Steve Douglas - Emergency Management Director, Pueblo County, Colorado
We were so sad to hear the news. You will be dearly missed by all the families of the Rebels Softball Team. We will never forget your wonderful smile and infectious personality. Our thoughts and prayers are with you, Shauna, Niki, Karen and the rest of your family.
Love, Barbie, Brett, Whitney and Taylor Rucker
Bill Kuntz
Sorry to hear about Marc. I first met Marc in Bishop, Ca. when he was the Bureau Land Management Station Forman for the Benton Fire Station (1989). He would often call me over from Hollister, Ca. to help out on fire busts during the summer months. He was a great friend and we had a few goodtimes together. Marc was a great guy always ready to help out and jump in even when he didnt have to. My heart goes out to his family and close friends, and I hope Marc rests in peace.
My thoughts are with Marc's family during this tragic time. The fire community is small and plenty are touched by the news. Marc is a inspired leader and fire manager, a bigger then life personality and a true romantic, good luck in the after life Marc. Matt Clark CSFD
We will so miss all the "Marc things" in our lives but will wrap Niki and Karen up in our love and we know in your own way - you will be there, too!
Love Always from The Nobles
I met Marc at the beginning of the season of 1986 when I reported to Wells, NV. He was the station manager and we had a lot of good times working and playing. I went on to work for him in 87 and then moved to the eastern Sierras (Conway Summit) in 1989 not too far from Benton Valley. I had hoped to catch up to him again someday but was unable to make it happen. My thoughts and prayers will be with his family and friends through this sad time....
You'll Always Be As Big As Day...
I'm Sorry That Time Has Taken You Away...
In The Smoke...And In The Ash....
Your Name And Face Will Ever Last.
Rest Easy Now My Friend. You Saved
My Life....I Thank You Again !
Rick A. Robbins
How did Marc die?
I knew Marc Mullenix from the times that I attended the NYSDEC Wildfire Academy.
He personified the kind of person that I hoped to be. Word cannot explain how sad I am to have heard of his passing.
The void that is left behind is immense. I am just thankful that I had the opportunity to learn from him and to share laughs and enjoy being his fellow brother in wildfire.
Albert Condello
College Station, Texas
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