Lime Complex Incident Command Post is at Hayfork, CA. Evacuations are in effect for the Platina area due to the Noble Fire, and in Wildwood due to the Telephone Fire. This complex includes about 79 fires ranging from small spots to fires over 9,000 acres. Hyampom continues to be threatened by fires. The Yolla Bolly Wilderness is closed.
Iron Complex Incident Command Post is at Junction City , CA . The Canyon Creek area and Helena remain under an evacuation order due to activity on the Eagle Fire. Slattery Pond is still under a voluntary evacuation. The Iron Complex is now managing 21 fires with some over 7,000 acres. The Ironsides and Don Juan fires have grown together.
Alps Complex - Fifteen fires (formerly part of Iron Complex) totaling 2,445 acres are assigned to a new Management Team. Most fires are in the Trinity Alps Wilderness Area. The Buckhorn Fire has backed down to a dozer line at the private Brooks Ranch.
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